2022 Eiffel scholarship program of excellence : call for applications is open !
The Eiffel scholarship program was established by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract the best foreign students to enroll in their masters and PhD program.
The PhD level of the Eiffel Scholarship enables the training of future foreign decision-makers, from the private and public sectors, in priority areas of study, and stimulates applications from students from emerging and industrialized countries aged 30 or under.
To apply for an Eiffel PhD scholarship: ·
– Learn about the Vademecum
– Make yourself known by writing to boursefl.doctorat@ubfc.fr. Specify in your message the name and email address of your thesis supervisor and the director of the research unit, as well as the doctoral school to which you are attached.·
– ATTENTION: to be able to apply, you must already have a thesis subject, a thesis supervisor and a research unit.
We will then take care of giving you access to the platform on which you will complete your application. Your thesis supervisor, the management of the research unit and the management of the doctoral school will also be given access to be able to give their opinion on your application.
Part 3 of the file will be completed by UBFC’s International Relations department.
Calendar :
In order for UBFC to submit your file to Campus France before January 7, you must finalize your file (parts 1, 2 and additional documents) before Monday, December 6, 2021.
The results will be communicated by Campus France during the week of April 4, 2022 (we will not be able to give you any information about your application between January 7, 2022 and the week of April 4, 2022).