Enrollment and re-enrollment will take place between 1 September and 15 November 2024

From September 1st 2024, PhD students in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will register in one of the following 5 institutions :

  • Université de Franche-Comté
  • Université de Bourgogne
  • Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard
  •  Institut Agro Dijon 

1st year registration

How to enroll ?

Registration takes place in 2 steps:

·         Pedagogical registration

It is carried out via the ADUM online application. The procedure is completely paperless.

You submit your registration request, which, once finalized by you, is examined by your thesis director and the director of your research unit. Your application then passes to the secretariat of your doctoral school, who checks that it is complete and correctly entered. The doctoral school’s management then proposes your registration.

·         Administrative registration

It is carried out in the schooling tool of the institution in which you are enrolling.

At this point you will receive an e-mail telling you to :

  • Pay the « Student Life and Campus Contribution » (« Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus – CVEC »). Paid to the CROUS, this contribution of 103 euros is aimed at « favouring student reception and support in social life, health, culture and sports for the students and at reinforcing the prevention and health education ». To pay the contribution, you must go to https://www.messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr/, “Student Life and Campus Contribution” entry.
  • Pay a registration fee of €391to your institution. Payment procedures for each institution are described in Appendix 2 of the document “Doctoral degree enrolment / re-enrollment 2024/2025”.
  • Submit proof of CVEC payment and proof of registration fee payment (scan of cheque, or proof of bank transfer or credit card payment) in your ADUM personal space.

We invite you to read the documents below to guide you with registration:

If you have a doctoral contract and have not received specific information at the start of your contract, please contact the secretariat of your doctoral school as soon as possible at the beginning of September 2024.

2023/2024 registration fees

391 € at the full rate

253€ at the reduced rate (if you are in a gap year in 2024/2025)

Student social protection

The existence of health insurance against illness / accident at work is compulsory for all. Thanks to social protection, you benefit from the reimbursement of your care in the event of illness or maternity. You also benefit from insurance against accidents at work – occupational diseases which covers you in the event of an accident occurring during your research work or during training, during home-work trips as well as during internships in France or abroad. If you are an employee, you also contribute for unemployment risk and retirement. You receive disability and death benefits and are entitled to maternity and parental leave benefits. 

If you are employed during the whole period of your thesis :

You benefit from social protection for employees (general scheme). Contributions are deducted directly from your salary. 

If you are not an employee :

  • If you are an international newcomer from an EU member state or Switzerland, you remain registered with social security in your own country.
  • If you are an international newcomer from a non-EU member state and another country than Switzerland, you must affiliate to general social security in France (dedicated website : www.etudiant-etranger.ameli.fr)

Re-enrollment in 2nd year of thesis or more

Thesis defense before 31 December

If you defend your thesis before 31 December 2024, you do not have to re-register. Your diploma will be issued to you for the year 2023/2024.

On the other hand, if you have not started your defence procedure before 31 October 2024 or if your defence is postponed after 31 December 2024, you will be asked to re-register and pay the registration fees.

Individual thesis follow-up committee

From re-enrollment in 3rd year, your re-enrollment is subject to an interview with youe individual thesis follow-up committee.

2023/2024 registration fees

391 € at the full rate

260€ at the reduced rate (if you are in a gap year in 2024/2025)

Thesis duration

Please note that the reference period for a full-time thesis is 3 years, and 6 years for a part-time thesis. Re-registration beyond the 3rd year (full-time) or the 6th year (part-time) is subject to a derogation. In this case, you will need to fill in the extension request form in your ADUM personal space as accurately as possible.