Useful Resources
Leaflet on the PhD at UBFC
Are you wondering about the doctorate and would like to know more about what is behind this diploma and those who embark on the doctoral adventure at the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté?
This leaflet will give you 10 key pieces of information from a career monitoring survey conducted in 2018.
-Access the brochure in French here
–Access the English version of the brochure here

New Ministry publication on PhDs employment
The latest publication of the Ministry on the employment of PhDs entitled “A more favourable insertion and employment conditions of PhDs for 2016 graduates compared to 2014 graduates” is available here
The other SIES publications:
- Engineer-PhDs: the choice of a professional insertion in the private sector
- PhD graduates’ careers 3 years later: indicators by discipline
- The conditions of integration and employment conditions of PhDs still satisfactory but contrasting according to the discipline
Career resources to explore this summer !
Whether you are in the first year of your thesis or about to defend it, why not take advantage of the summer to think about your professional project by exploring resources specific to PhD career ?
– You will find below a selection of sites proposed by the Réseau National des Ecoles doctorales en Sciences pour l’Ingénieur (Redoc SPI)
Indeed, after having identified via a filter the Linkedin profiles of employees of hundreds of companies, the Redoc SPI proposes a view of the employment of PhDs in companies and administrations. Do not hesitate to consult the various resources made available after these investigations:

National Barometer Young Researchers and Entrepreneurship: the results of the 2021 survey
In March 2021, PhD Talent in partnership with Bpifrance launched a survey to measure the evolution of young researchers’ relationship with Deeptech entrepreneurship.
To access a quick summary of the survey:
For more detailed results, click here
Publication on the career development of UBFC PhDs
This publication is one of the first at UBFC. It is based on the results of a survey proposed every year by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, called the IPDoc survey, which aims to better understand the career follow-up of PhD graduates after obtaining their PhD. A regional variation of this study has thus made it possible to specify the situation of certain PhD graduates of Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté before, during and after their thesis.
This publication is the result of the datas obtained from this study at UBFC.
Enjoy reading it!
Access to the French version of the publication: UBFC-IPDOC-VF-BD-min
Access to the English version of the publication: UBFC-IPDOC-GB-BD-min

“What’s new, Doc”? Press review on the doctorate
What news about the doctorate in the media over the last 3 months? To find out, don’t hesitate to consult this (non-exhaustive) press review produced by the UBFC Doctoral Mission:
Revue-presse-Doctorat-Avril-mai-juin 2020
Enjoy reading!
Discover open badges, digital tools for recognising skills, which are on the rise!
If you don’t know open badges, we invite you to discover the concept through this short video:
And to find out more about open badges and open recognition, 2 reference sites:
+ the website of the BRAVO-BFC regional open recognition network:

Podcasts “Le déclic”: When PhDs become start-upers
Greentech, legaltech, femtech, edtech… but are you familiar with deeptech? When you are a researcher in the public sector, launching a start-up from your research work, it has a name now: Deeptech.
A podcast if you want to hear from women and men who,one day launched and said “why not me?”
The doctoral guide edited and published!
The Doctoral Guide of the Andès (National Association of Doctors) aims to be the best reference resource presenting to all PhD students the conditions, procedures, practices and advice for the organisation of the doctoral system, the conduct of a doctoral project and the pursuit of a doctoral career.
To buy a paper version or consult it online, go to

Replay of ABG special lockdown webinars
During the lockdown period, the ABG offered a series of webinars focusing on geographical and intersectoral mobility of doctors. They are available for replay at :
Ministerial Publication on the career paths of engineers-PhDs
A note entitled “engineer-Phds: the choice of a professional insertion in the private sector” published in 2020, presents new results from the survey of PhDs who graduated in 2014 and who had previously obtained an engineering degree. It compares particularly these PhDs with those who did not obtain this degree, on their career paths before, during and after their thesis.
Preparing for the post-thesis period despite the health crisis
Defending your thesis in the context of a health crisis
For information, this video deals more generally with the question of the dematerialized defense (still relevant after the confinement) a website with resources for continuing your thesis during confinement
At the initiative of the Doctoral Career Network and supported by the National Doctoral College Network, in collaboration with TheMetaNews, this website is dedicated to PhD students, graduates and supervisors to support them during their thesis. You will find official information, initiatives taken by the institutions, advice and resources to continue your thesis despite the lockdown (but not only)… and prepare for the aftermath!
You are of course welcome to share your ideas and initiatives which can be relayed on the site (directly by clicking here).
Results of the Nature PhD Survey 2019
For the past 5 years, the journal Nature has been conducting an online career survey of PhD students from all over the world to better understand their motivations for doing a PhD, their psychological health during the PhD, and their career plans. You can find the summary of the results of the 2019 survey recently published on:
PhD-Passport : A (very) practical guide for your career
The National Association of Doctors (ANDès) has published the “PhD-Passport”, a practical guide for the post-doctorate period. This guide offers a set of practical information sheets for the career of PhD holders, or people about to become PhD graduates.
A valuable tool to explore here : PhDPassport-2020
More information on
The PhD at UBFC in 10 key concepts
In 2018-2019, UBFC launched a career survey among its PhDs who graduated in 2015 and 2017. Here is a small leaflet which provides you with some elements extracted from this survey: plaquette_chiffres_clés_doctorants06112019
We hope that it will inform you about the doctorate and the future of the participants in the survey, and that it will inspire you to contribute to future career monitoring surveys after graduation.
PhD and Companies: Stop the clichés!
To put an end to the clichés that persist around the PhD in the extra-academic world, the Doctoral Mission of UBFC has produced this little postcard entitled “Stop the clichés! The PhD: a real added value for companies”, available here: VF-Flyer_what_is&what_isn’t_doctoral_PAYSAGE_FORMAT_A5
Don’t hesitate to use it to enhance your skills on the job market!
The skills of doctoral students/doctors at the service of economic development
This was the title of the round table proposed to Phd students on 13 June as part of from Environment-Health doctoral School at the 25th edition of the Young researchers Forum. To access the presentations of the speakers, click here: 2019-0613-Presentation_FCJ2019
Ministerial publication on the career development conditions of PhDs 2014
You sometimes receive invitations to respond to career monitoring surveys. Temptation is strong not to respond… However, taking a little time to answer them can provide valuable information on the professional future and career opportunities after a PhD, to inform future generations of PhD students. The IPDoc survey carried out every two years by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (thanks to the regional universities) has this ambition.
A few summary elements for those who don’t have time to read everything:
In December 2017, three years after graduating in 2014, almost 91% of PhDs are employed.
- Nearly 2 out of 3 PhDs are in permanent employment and more than 9 out of 10 PhDs are in management-level jobs.
- The academic sector is the main employer of PhDs: 49% work in this sector.
- Corporate R&D employs 16% of them, while 35% find a job outside the academic and research sector.
- Many are recruited in the private sector, and PhDs in science and its interactions (mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering sciences and ICT) have the best employment conditions, particularly in terms of salary and systematic access to executive status.
- PhDs in legal and political sciences also enjoy very favourable conditions.
- PhDs in life sciences have difficulty finding stable employment.
- PhDs in humanities and social sciences, who are not very well represented in the private sector, have more difficulty in obtaining a job at executive level.
Conference on cross-disciplinary skills for PhD students online!
On 13 November 2018 in Dijon, the doctoral day was held. On this occasion, Alexandre Matic, President of the Adoc association (Association of PhD students of UFC) and President of the CJC (Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs) was invited to present a conference on the transversal skills that can be developed after a PhD.
Do not hesitate to (re)consult his presentation: VF-English Version – Awareness of cross-disciplinary skills associated with PhD!