Itinerary Researcher-Entrepreneur device (I.C.E.)
The Regional Council of Burgundy-Franche-Comté and UBFC have created the Itinerary Researcher-Entrepreneur (I.C.E.) scheme in 2019.
Through this device, the Regional Council wishes to promote the emergence of companies/organizations with high added value on the territory by identifying and professionalizing upstream researchers with a desire to join a creation project.
This approach involves financing a thesis or post-doctoral course, integrating a dual skill set of research and entrepreneurship/management.
The objective of the intervention are :
– to finance a course integrating a double scientific and entrepreneurial training in order to create a company/organization on the basis of high-tech, social, organizational, commercial or business model innovations;
– to encourage researchers to valorize their research or to create a company in connection with or as a result of their research work;
– to identify and develop research projects likely to be part of a high-tech entrepreneurship program.
A call for applications is launched each year for regional research laboratories. Two distinct paths can be financed:
– 36-month thesis program
– 12-month post-doctoral program
The selections are made in two phases:
– a first phase of project selection
– a second phase of selection of the candidates, before a jury made up of company managers, representatives of the academic world and representatives of structures in connection with entrepreneurship and the valorization of research.
At the end of the 1st phase of the 2023 campaign, 12 thesis projects and 5 post-doctoral projects were selected.
The hearings took place on 23 May 2023, before a jury made up of representatives from the local economic world, the academic world, the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regional Council, DECA-BFC and the BPI.
6 thesis grants and 4 post-doctoral grants were awarded :
Nom du candidat | Directeur de thèse / Encadrant | Ecole doctorale / unité de recherche | Titre du projet |
DOCT ROGEMONT Arnaud | CLUZEL Benoît | CP / ICB | Interférométrie nonlinéaire large bande pour la métrologie de guides d’onde optique |
DOCT TALEB Djamel | DEON Sébastien | CP / UTINAM | Modification et fabrication de membranes nanoporeuses de filtration par polymérisation par plasma froid. |
DOCT DANNAWI Tala | GAUTHIER Michaël | SPIM / FEMTO-ST | Modélisation, conception et commande de robots miniatures, rapides et précis pour les industries de l’assemblage |
DOCT HOLER Thomas | HERLEM Guillaume | ES / LNIT | Les alkylamidures comme agents universels d’amination des matériaux à haut potentiel (médecine et nanomédecine, stockage d’énergie, développement durable, chimie fine). |
DOCT LIU Leya | MILLOT Nadine | CP / ICB | Nouveaux nanocapteurs pour relever des défis de santé publique. |
DOCT FISCARELLI Alban | SAUREL Rémi | ES / PAM | Impact de la fermentation sur la texture et la flaveur d’un gel modèle de protéine végétale (substitut de fromage) |
POST-DOCT SPORTES Antoine | WIPF Daniel | ES / Agroécologie | Caractérisation de marqueurs fonctionnels de l’efficacité de la mycorhize au vignoble |
POST-DOCT REY François-Claude | ATANASSOVA Iana | LECLA / CRIT | Applications du Traitement Automatique des Langues à l’aide aux enseignants de langues dans leur préparation, optimisation et réalisation des cours |
POST-DOC CARBALLIDO Laura | KARBOWIAK Thomas | ES / PAM | Développement d’emballages alimentaires intelligents pour le suivi de la dégradation des aliments afin de réduire le gaspillage alimentaire. |
POST-DOC GODARD Amélie | BODIO Ewen | CP / ICMUB | Conception de sondes fluorescentes à base d’aza-BODIPYs émettant dans la région du NIR-II. |
To develop the culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, to bring out innovative projects useful to the development of our territory, these are the aims of the PEPITE Bourgogne Franche-Comté which is aimed at all students and doctoral students in Bourgogne Franche-Comté, whatever their field and level of training.
Awareness-raising actions, creative workshops, teamwork on virtual or real projects, meetings with entrepreneurs, reorganisation of training courses to facilitate entrepreneurial commitment, diploma courses and modules dedicated to entrepreneurship, networking with those involved in supporting and financing creation, support for female entrepreneurship… the PEPITE toolbox shows that it is possible to study and undertake!
The National Student Entrepreneur Status allows students, doctoral students and young graduates to develop an entrepreneurial project while benefiting from support within the framework of the Student Pole for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship (PEPITE).
This status is available not only to students in training, but also to doctoral students at all levels and to young graduates who wish to set up or take over a business.
To apply for the National Student Entrepreneur Status :
Link to the PEPITE BFC website: