The Doctoral College
The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Doctoral College, created in November 2016, is in charge of the definition of the strategy for implementing the site’s doctoral policy. It coordinates, harmonizes and federates the activities of the six doctoral schools in the region. It ensures compliance with national regulations and equal treatment for doctoral students, and has been mandated by the doctoral schools to :
- Offer free cross-disciplinary training courses, accessible to doctoral students from all Doctoral schools and all disciplines
- Allocate State doctoral contracts to Doctoral schools
- Define annual allocations to Doctoral schools
- Promote the PhD diploma and the PhD program in Burgundy-Franche-Comté
- Facilitate and monitor doctoral students’ career development
- Represent local doctoral stakeholders at national level and is therefore a member of the Réseau national des Collèges doctoraux (RNCD).
Doctoral College organisation
A Doctoral College bureau is organized monthly and includes:
- The Doctoral College Director
- The 12 Director and Deputy directors of the doctoral schools
- The Administrative officer for doctoral studies
The Doctoral College Assembly meets annually. It is open to representatives of doctoral students, accredited institutions and any other relevant stakeholders, depending on the topics under discussion.