PhD students’first day
The PhD students’First day is a full day of information for first-year UBFC PhD students.
The morning session brings together first-year PhD students from all doctoral schools and in the afternoon, each doctoral school offers a specific meeting for its students.
The meeting will take place for the 2023/2024 academic year on Thursday 23 November, from 9.15 a.m. to 5 p.m., on the Dijon Campus.
This year, after a welcome speech by the Director of the Doctoral College Thierry Rigaud, the morning programme will cover the following topics :
Cross-disciplinary training
Competency-based approach and career development
Open Science
Conference “Raising awareness of sexist and sexual violence in higher education and research”.
The full programme is available here.
Don’t miss this event. We look forward to welcoming you to talk about your doctoral studies.
Resource documents
The valorisation of the doctorate | UBFC Alumni – Spotlight on your career. Find your fellow students by integrating the new UBFC Alumni network, a source of professional and personal opportunities. |
To help you
Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Action of the Region in favour of higher education, research and innovation | Talent Campus TalentCampus is a talent activator that breaks the codes of training to develop and enhance your soft skills: leadership, communication, self-confidence, creativity, adaptability, collective intelligence… |
Valorization of research – technology transfer
DECA BFC, Talent Incubator “The DECA-BFC incubator, a link in the innovation ecosystem in Bourgogne – Franche-Comté, promotes the emergence and creation of start-ups based on scientific or technological projects originating from or linked to public research. Over a period of 18 to 24 months, DECA-BFC provides its network, advice and professional follow-up to future entrepreneurs by a business manager in order to transform their scientific projects into business projects. During this effective support, the holders benefit from entrepreneurship workshops given by experts, funding for services and a sponsorship with a business manager who trains them to become, in turn, full-fledged business managers. “ | SAYENS, Catalyst for innovation Make science the future of innovation. Accelerate and enhance the transfer of technologies resulting from public research and improve its economic impact. |
Associations of PhD students
AFEV The AFEV is an association that mobilises thousands of students every year to support young people in difficulty at school and to create links in working in working-class neighbourhoods. | A’doc The A’Doc is multidisciplinary and welcomes young researchers from the natural sciences, the humanities, the social sciences and the humanities, as well as from the formal sciences and the engineering sciences. | ThèsEnvies The ThèsEnvies association aims to bring together the PhD students of the ED (> DS pour doctoral school) LECLA, on a scientific as well as on a human level, by offering them moments of sharing and conviviality. |
Health and Services
MGEN MGEN PROTECTS YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR FUTURE Your compulsory Social Security + comprehensive health and provident cover Do you think that all mutual insurance companies look the same? MGEN manages your compulsory Social Security scheme and your complementary protection at the same time. You will find the best offers at the best prices, integrating both health and providence, but also exclusive services and social and solidarity actions to accompany you in all moments of your personal and professional life. From now on, make an appointment by visiting our contact form or by calling 36 76 (say “RDV Protection Sociale”). | SMERRA As part of UBFC PhD students’first day (en français et en anglais, faudrait qu’on enlève ce petit bout de phrase), Smerra is helping PhD students with a health and insurance offer adapted to their needs. If you are a PhD student, SMERRA will help you with the start of your studies Do you need student life insurance or complementary health insurance? |
CASDEN CASDEN, the cooperative bank for the entire civil service, supports research staff from the start of their careers in carrying out their projects. First a bank for teachers, CASDEN is now the bank for all public service and shares with them a sense of public service. With nearly 2 million members, it offers a comprehensive range of savings, loans and guarantees at the best conditions. As a doctoral student, you are eligible, so don’t miss out on these advantages for life! Your contact at your disposal: Aurore MOREAU at 06 48 38 70 49 – And/or follow this link: The Casden at your side to accompany you in your projects! | Campus Sport Campus Sports is a service for all students and staff. Its mission is to make physical and sporting activities available to all, including people with disabilities. Present in Besançon, Belfort, Montbéliard and Vesoul, Campus Sports offers a range of programmes adapted to different people and to each level of practice |