
The UBFC Doctoral College has set up a unique cross-disciplinary training offer dedicated to all doctoral students in the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region throughout their doctorate.

This interdisciplinary training offer will enable doctoral students to acquire knowledge and skills that are complementary to those acquired during their research and a broader scientific culture to strengthen their background for their future career.

The UBFC cross-disciplinary training catalogue is organised around 10 themes:

  • Communication
  • Knowledge and teaching tools
  • International scientific culture and valorization
  • Ethics in research and scientific integrity
  • Documentary training courses
  • Computer science and scientific modelling
  • Languages
  • Management and entrepreneurship
  • Furthering your career
  • Open science

The amount of compulsory training to be followed during the PhD is defined by the doctoral school
> Please contact the secretariat of your doctoral school to determine the number of hours required, depending on your situation.

All UBFC doctoral students must follow a minimum of 9 hours of training in research ethics during their doctorate (decree of 25 May 2016 setting the national framework for training and the conditions leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma).

Each UBFC doctoral student is limited to 7 transversal training courses per academic year and, beyond that, they can follow the specific training courses offered by their doctoral school.

All Doctoral College courses are free of charge.

All doctoral students registered for a training course undertake to follow the course in its entirety.
We tolerate 20% of absences over the total duration of the course, beyond which the course will not be validated.
Any unjustified absence will be reported to the doctoral school.

Registration and validation procedures


As soon as your doctoral registration is completed, you will be able to enroll in transverse and specific training courses.

In order to enroll, select the training course you are interested in the catalogue and then click on “Enrollment in the course” at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the ADUM portal. You will have to enter your ID and password, indicate your motivations, and save the document.

Access to the 2023-2024 transversal and specific training catalogues and online registrations
Registrations closed

Registration for cross-disciplinary doctoral courses 2024-2025 will open on 21 November 2024.
In the meantime, you can consult the provisional catalogue of cross-disciplinary training courses 2024-2025 here


At the end of the training you have taken, please fill in the evaluation questionnaire,

For this you need to go to your private space in ADUM, go to Trainings and then click on Evaluation of the trainings I attended.
Your feedback and input are essential for us to improve the course.
Your responses will be anonymous.
Your hours will be validated only after you fill in the questionnaire.


To validate your MOOC hours, please go to your ADUM Personal Space, heading Trainings, then Certificate of MOOC (online course) to be submitted, and submit the attendance certificate or attendance badge/achievement badge which will be issued to you by FUN MOOC at the end of the MOOC.
You will then receive the MOOC evaluation questionnaire to complete.

« External » training courses

Validation of “non-catalogue” courses (excluding the UBFC cross-disciplinary courses catalogue and the catalogue of courses specific to your doctoral school) is handled by your doctoral school.

To make a request for validation of “non-catalogue” training, please go to your ADUM Personal Space, heading Trainings, then Declaration of external training courses

Make sure you submit your certificate of attendance and the course programme so that your request can be processed.

For further information, please contact :


For interdisciplinary training courses:

Besançon and Belfort sites
> Mrs Emilie FAIVRE –

Dijon site:
>Mrs Mélanie JOUHANNEAU –


For your Doctoral School specific trainings:

ED Carnot-Pasteur
> Mrs Emeline ILTIS –

> Besançon site: Mrs Marlène DUTAL –
> Dijon site: Mr Morgan POGGIOLI –

ED Environnements-Santé
> Mrs Christelle BARBIER –

> Besançon and Dijon sites: Mrs Edeline ELIE –
> North Franche-Comté site: Mrs Camille SCHAEFFER –