The doctoral schools

Doctoral training is organised within the doctoral schools (DSs). In Bourgogne Franche-Comté, they are the responsibility of UBFC (since the transfer of the doctoral mission on 1 January 2017) and of its Doctoral College.

Article 3 of the decree of 25 May 2016 that sets the national framework of the course of training and terms leading to the award of the national doctoral degree defines the DSs’ missions:

1° They implement an admission policy for PhD students, based on explicit and public criteria, let students know about admission conditions, the required skills, fundings likely to be granted, and the nature, quality, and rate of professional activity after graduation. They take part to the search for financing, and offer to grant funds so as to allow PhD students to prepare and defend their thesis in the best possible conditions;

2° They organise scientific exchanges between PhD students and the scientific community; they offer PhD students training activities that favour interdisciplinarity and the acquisition of a broad scientific culture including knowledge of the international research framework;

3° They ensure that each PhD student is trained in the ethics of research and in scientific integrity;

4° They ensure that a quality procedure of doctoral training is implemented, notably by setting up PhD students’ individual follow-up committees, and offer supervisors to attend a training course or receive specific support;

5° They define and implement devices to support students in their post-graduate career in the public and private sectors, and organise the follow-up of the trained doctors’ professional course in link with the relevant institutions;

6° They contribute to opening up at the European and international scales within the framework of cooperation actions with foreign higher-education institutions or research centers;

7° They give their opinion when research units or teams wish to integrate the DS.

The doctoral schools gather all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Each DS has a well-defined scope in terms of disciplinary fields and doctoral specialties it delivers.

Presentation of the doctoral schools

Engineering Sciences and Microtechniques (ESM) (Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur et Microtechniques, SPIM) doctoral school

ESM (SPIM) doctoral school gathers all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté that carry out doctoral research in the following fields: Physics; Engineering sciences ; Sciences and technologies of information and communication.

ESM (SPIM) specialties are the following :

  • Automatic
  • Energy
  • Electric engineering

  • Computer science

  • Instrumentation and computer vision

  • Materials sciences

  • Mechanical sciences

  • Mechanics and Energy

  • Microtechnologies

  • Optics and Photonics

  • Engineering sciences

  • Bioengineering

  • Electronics

  • Electronics, signal and image

  • Industrial computing

  • Computer vision

  • Instrumentation

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Applied Mathematics

  • Metamaterials

  • Microsystems

  • Diluted media and fundamental optics

  • Nano Sciences

  • Waves

  • Signal and image

  • Robotics

  • Quantum Technology


ESM (SPIM) DS direction:
Fabrice STHAL (
Patrick MARQUIE (

In Dijon
Address: Université de Bourgogne, UFR Sciences et Techniques, Bâtiment Mirande, aile H – 9, avenue Alain Savary – BP 47 870 – 21078 Dijon
Secretariat: Céline DAUBIGNEY ––

In Besançon
Address: Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 32 avenue de l’Observatoire – 25000 Besançon
Secretariat: Alika ROSSETTI – –

In Belfort
Address: UTBM Direction de la recherche – 90010 Belfort Cédex
Secretariat : Chaïnez BOUSSAHA – –

For further information you can visit the ESM website at the following address:

Carnot-Pasteur (CP) doctoral school

CP doctoral school gathers all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté that carry out doctoral research in the following fields: Mathematics and their interactions ; Physics; Sciences of the Earth and the universe, space; Chemistry; Biology, medicine, health; Engineering sciences.

CP doctoral specialties are the following :

  • Astrophysics
  • Automatics
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Biophysics
  • Chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Applied computer science, Signal processing
  • Medical imaging
  • Computer science
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanics
  • Optics and photonics
  • Physics
  • Engineering sciences
  • Materials sciences


CP DS direction:
Hans-Rudolf JAUSLIN (

In Dijon
Address: Université de Bourgogne – UFR Sciences et Techniques – 9, avenue Alain Savary – BP 47 870 – 21078 Dijon
Secretariat: Emeline ILTIS – –

In Besançon
Address: Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 32 avenue de l’Observatoire – 25000 Besançon
Secretariat: Martine GAUTHERON – –

For further information you can visit the CP DS website at the following address :

Environments and Health (EH) (Environnements-Santé, ES) doctoral school

EH (ES) doctoral school gathers all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté that carry out doctoral research in the following fields: biology, medicine, health ; agronomical and ecological sciences; sciences of the Earth and the universe, space.

EH (ES) doctoral specialties are the following :

  • Astronomy, astrophysics
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Cell biology
  • Organisms biology
  • Population biology and Ecology
  • Food-Processing biotechnologies
  • Chemistry
  • Climate Sciences
  • Geodynamics of earth surface envelopes
  • Geography
  • Informatics, automatics and signal treatment
  • Informatics,
  • Medicine, Biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, physiology and nutrition
  • Medicine, Biophysics and Medical imagery
  • Medicine, Cancerology, Genetics, Haematology, Immunology
  • Medicine, Microbiology and infectious disease
  • Medicine, cardiorepiratory and vascular pathologies
  • Medicine, anaesthesiology, intensive care, emergency medicine, pharmacology and therapeutics
  • Medicine, nerve and muscle pathology, mental pathology, disability and rehabilitation
  • Medicine, osteoarticular pathology, dermatology and plastic surgery
  • Medicine, digestive and urinary tract diseases
  • Medicine, internal medicine, geriatrics and general surgery
  • Medicine, child development and pathology, gynaecology-obstetrics, endocrinology and reproduction
  • Medicine, head and neck pathology
  • Medicine, Public health, environment and society
  • Odontology, development, growth and prevention
  • Odontology, oral surgery; parondontology; oral biology
  • Odontology, oral rehabilitation
  • Neurosciences
  • Paleonthology
  • Pharmacy, teaching and hospital staff in physico-chemical sciences and engineering applied to health
  • Pharmaceutical sciences
  • Pharmacy, teaching and hospital staff in basic and clinical biological sciences
  • Pharmacy, teaching and research staff in physical and chemical sciences and engineering applied to health
  • Pharmacy, teaching and research staff in drug sciences and other health products
  • Pharmacy, teaching and research pharmacy staff in biological, fundamental and clinical sciences
  • Maieutics
  • Re-education and rehabilitation sciences
  • Nursing sciences
  • Pharmaceutical sciences
  • Physiology
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Agronomy
  • Sport sciences
  • Structure and evolution of earth
  • Food Science

EH (ES) DS direction:
Nadine BERNARD (
Philippe CAYOT (

In Dijon
Address: Université de Bourgogne – Bureaux 119-120, 1er étage aile Sud – 6 boulevard Gabriel – 21000 Dijon
Secretariat: Christelle CAILLOT – 03 80 39 38 60 / Christelle BARBIER – 03 80 39 38 68 –

In Besançon
Address: Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 32 avenue de l’Observatoire – 25000 Besançon
Secretariat: Martine GAUTHERON – –

For further information you can visit the EH DS website at the following address:


Literature, Languages, Communication, Arts (LCLA) (LEttres Communication Langues Arts, LECLA) doctoral school

LCLA (LECLA) doctoral school gathers all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté that carry out doctoral research in the following fields: Human sciences and humanities; Societal sciences ; Sciences and technologies of information and communication.

LCLA (LECLA) doctoral specialties are the following :

  • History of cultures
  • French language and literature, francophone literature
  • Classical studies
  • English and Anglo-Saxon languages, literatures, and civilisations
  • Germanic languages, literatures, and civilisations
  • Roman languages, literatures, and civilisations : Spanish, Italian
  • Comparative literature
  • Musicology
  • Educational sciences
  • Educational sciences – STAPS
  • Sciences of information and communication
  • Sciences of language
  • Sciences of language – didactics of languages and cultures
  • Sciences of language – French as a foreign language / French as a second language
  • Sciences of language – automated treatment of languages
  • Computer science, algorithmics of languages
  • Visual studies


LCLA (LECLA) DS direction:
Séverine EQUOY-HUTIN (

In Dijon
Address: Université de Bourgogne – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Esplanade Erasme – BP 26 611 – 21066 Dijon cedex
Secretariat: Mara CARREY-ARAGOA – / Morgan POGGIOLI – –

In Besançon
Address: Maison des Sciences, de l’Homme et de l’Environnement, 1 rue Charles Nodier – 25000 Besançon
Secretariat: Ludovic JEANNIN – / Marlène DUTAL – –

For further information you can visit the LCLA DS website at the following address:


Societies, Spaces, Practices, Time (SSPT) (Sociétés Espaces Pratiques Temps, SEPT) doctoral school

SSPT (SEPT) doctoral school gathers all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté that carry out doctoral research in the following fields : human sciences and humanities; societal sciences ; sciences and technologies of information and communication ; agronomical and ecological sciences.

SSPT (SEPT) doctoral specialties are the following :

  • Anthropology
  • Archeology
  • Classical studies
  • Economy
  • Educational sciences
  • Epistemology, history of sciences and techniques
  • Geography and land planning
  • History
  • History of art
  • History of law
  • Philosophy
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Spatial planning and urban development
  • Sport sciences


SSPT (SEPT) DS direction:
Michel NICOLAS (

In Dijon
Address: Université de Bourgogne – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Esplanade Erasme – BP 26 611 – 21066 Dijon cedex
Secretariat: Morgan POGGIOLI – / Aurore LALLEMAND –

In Besançon
Address: Maison des Sciences, de l’Homme et de l’Environnement, 1 rue Charles Nodier – 25000 Besançon
Secretariat: Ludovic JEANNIN – / Marlène DUTAL – –

In Belfort
Address: UTBM Direction de la recherche – 90010 Belfort Cédex
Secretariat: Chaïnez BOUSSAHA – –

For further information you can visit the SSPT DS website at the following address :



Law, Management, Economy and Political science (LMEP) (Droit, Gestion, Économie et Politique, DGEP) doctoral school

LMEP (DGEP) doctoral school gathers all the PhD students from Bourgogne Franche-Comté that carry out doctoral research in the field of societal sciences.

LMEP (DGEP) doctoral specialties are the following:

  • Private law and criminal sciences
  • Public law
  • History of law and of institutions
  • Political science
  • Management sciences
  • Economic sciences
  • Sociology, demography


LMEP (DGEP) DS direction:
Bernard QUIRINY (

In Dijon
Address: Université de Bourgogne – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Esplanade Erasme – BP 26 611 – 21066 Dijon cedex
Secretariat: Mara CARREY-ARAGAO – / Morgan POGGIOLI – –

In Besançon
Address: Maison des Sciences, de l’Homme et de l’Environnement, 1 rue Charles Nodier – 25000 Besançon
Secretariat: Ludovic JEANNIN – / Marlène DUTAL – –

For further information you can visit the LMEP DS website at the following address: