ind in this section all the useful documents for the preparation of your Habilitation to Direct Research and throughout your doctorate, from registration to the withdrawal of the diploma, including the defence of the thesis.
Enrollment /Re-enrollment in PhD
Enrollment and re-enrollment procedure :
Enrollment and re-enrollment procedure in the institution Université Marie et Louis Pasteur
Enrollment and re-enrollment procedure in the institution Université de Bourgogne Europe
Enrollment and re-enrollement procedure in the institution SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM
Enrollment and re-enrollement procedure in the institution L’Institut Agro Dijon
Tutorial for students enrolling in 1st year of phD thesis
Doctoral Thesis Charter (available on ADUM)
Individual training agreement (document to be filled in from your personal ADUM space)
Temporary interruption request of a PhD thesis :
Request form for temporary interruption of a PhD thesis in the institutionUniversité Marie et Louis Pasteur
Request form for temporary interruption of a PhD thesis in the institution L’Institut Agro de Dijon
Request form for temporary interruption of a PhD thesis in the institution SUPMICROTECH
Request form for temporary interruption of a PhD thesis in the institution Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbélaird
Master’s degree exemption
Master’s degree exemption procedure
International thesis co-supervision
Model agreement for international co-supervision of a thesis Université de Bourgogne Europe
Model agreement for international co-supervision of a thesis Université Marie et Louis Pasteur
Model agreement for international co-supervision of a thesis L’Institut Agro Dijon
Model agreement for international co-supervision of a thesis SUPMICROTECH
Model agreement for international co-supervision of a thesis UTBM
Thesis manuscript
Sample thesis manuscript cover page :
Model 1st cover page of thesis manuscript Université Bourgogne Europe
Model 4th cover page of thesis manuscript Université Bourgogne Europe
Model 1st cover page of thesis manuscript Université Marie et Louis Pasteur
Model 4th cover page of thesis manuscript Université Marie et Louis Pasteur
Model 1st cover page of thesis manuscript L’Institut Agro Dijon
Model 4th cover page of thesis manuscript L’Institut Agro Dijon
Model 1st cover page of thesis manuscript SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM
Model 4th cover page of thesis manuscript SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM
Model 1st cover page of thesis manuscript Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)
Model 4th cover page of thesis manuscript Université de Technologie Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)
Doctoral defence
Request for authorisation to hold a thesis defence in camera (available on ADUM)
Confidentiality agreement committee members (available on ADUM)
Confidentiality agreement reporters (available on ADUM)
Confidentiality agreement Guests (available on ADUM)
PhD Thesis-HDR defence procedure with part of the committee in videoconference
Delegation of signature – Jury member in videoconference for Universite de Bourgogne Europe
Delegation of signature – Jury member in videoconference for Universite Marie et Louis Pasteur
Delegation of signature – Jury member in videoconference for L’Institut Agro Dijon
Delegation of signature – Jury member in videoconference for SUPMICROTECH
Delegation of signature – Jury member in videoconference for UTBM
Proof of absent committee member
Defence minutes (available on ADUM)
Defence Report (available on ADUM)
Doctor’s degree diploma delivrance procedure
Submission of a defended thesis
European doctorate Label
European doctorate Label procedure Université de Bourgogne Europe
European doctorate Label procedure Université Marie et Louis Pasteur
European doctorate Label procedure L’Institut Agro Dijon
European doctorate Label procedure SUPMICROTECH
European doctorate Label procedure UTBM
European doctorate label application form (document to be filled in from your personal ADUM space)
Financial aid
Reimbursement of missions
A mission is a business trip
We invite you to contact the secretariat to know the specific rules of your DS.
Direct aid
Each doctoral school offers its doctoral students different types of aid (printing aid, purchase of books, etc.), so we invite you to contact the secretariat of your DS to find out the rules specific to your DS.
To benefit from direct support, you must submit an application to the secretariat of your DS.